Sunday 26 January 2014

The White Russian: the cocktail of "The Big Lebowski" movie!

All fans of The Big Lebowski (the Coen brothers movie) know the "White Russian" tasty cocktail vodka, coffee liqueur and milk. This week, we make a focus on this famous cocktail. We find lots of different recipes and we sought "ideal proportions" and we ended up finding this arrangement that gives a little alcohol but very balanced result:

- 1 part coffee liqueur
- 2 parts vodka
- 2 volumes of liquid cream


Thompsons French Grape Vodka


                                                 A video to show you the preparation

The thing was not easy to find , the team had to work hard to find this result .. but concentrate on the movie " The Big Lebowski " , glass after glass, observing " the Dude ," we managed that balance, and understood many subtleties in the movie!

There are many variations of this cocktail, such as the Canadian White with goat's milk instead of cow's milk, the Russian Blind , Baileys Irish Cream with instead of milk. The White Mexican , with horchata de chufa in place of milk, White Cuban, with rum instead of vodka and Russian Tito with coconut milk instead of milk
Which one are you?

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