Saturday, 7 December 2013

Bordeaux Seeko'o bar meeting

Hello everyone !

This week we've done our first cocktail bar interview at the Seeko'o Hotel in Bordeaux.
It is located in Bordeaux (France), close to the docks. The hotel and the bar are open since 2007.
The bar speciality is... cocktail !

So on wednesday, we met Fabien at the bar. He has worked here for 10 months. He seems very passionate about cocktails and spirits.
The place is very fashion and design but also relaxing. The hotel's client can chat, have a rest, work by having a drink but the bar is also opened to anyone who wants to have a drink.

We asked him to prepare two cocktails he wanted us to share. You will find below the recipes and our tasting notes.
No cocktail list at the moment but it's coming soon. It's going to be unknown cocktails on it because no one needs a list to feel like having a Mojito or a Bloody Mary. Wednesday, a suggestion was on a board, a Seekoo creation. 


The first cocktail we've tasted is called the "Porto de la Lune" (which refers to Le Port de la Lune in french the name of the Bordeaux harbour, classified by Unesco since 2007).

The recipe is :
- Porto (2cl)
- "Passavant bordelais de nature" 2010 (2cl)
- Vanilla liquor -cuartenta y tres licor- (2,5cl)
- Cinzano blanco (1,5cl)
- Aztec Chocolate Bitter (3 hints)
- Perrier

Our tasting :
- Smell : red fruits with a hint of vanilla (Porto flavors)
- Taste : Porto at first but light and very well balanced, white Martini, but mainly Coke and vanilla.

We liked it !


The second one is also a Seeko creation : Beds are burning 

Recipe :
- Brown sugar (2 teaspoons)
- Azte Chocolate Bitter (3 hints)
- Liquor (1cl)
- Italian Liquor (2cl)
- Whisky (4cl)
Add brown sugar, chocolate bitter and mix them together, add the two liquors and the whisky mix them up again. burn it during one minute. When finished, add an icecube and wait for it to be almost melted.

Our tasting :
- Smell : softness, honey
- Taste : almond, syrupy, very well balanced and very long ! The feeling of softness is very impressive, you can feel whisky aromas but not the burning side of spirit alcohol.


We loved it!


This meeting was very nice. The whole team advice you to go there, having a cocktail.
It's an original, trendy place where the staff is welcoming.

Thank you!

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